We believe the following PRINCIPLES should guide this work:

All Washington children and youth, regardless of color, ethnicity or country of origin, should have access to and receive the health care that they need to be healthy. This care, provided via private or public sector coverage, must include coordinated medical, dental, mental health, and special needs services, including prevention, treatment, and long-term care.

All Washington children and youth should grow up in a society that promotes equity and is committed to eliminating racism, gender and sexual orientation bias, and economic bias.

The payment system must furnish providers and plans with adequate resources to serve the primary and specialty care needs of children and youth.

Programs that promote and ensure child health and wellness and their ability to thrive must have sustainable sources of funding.

The health and well-being of Washington’s children and youth is a priority and a wise, long-term investment with social, emotional, and financial returns. Investments in services promoting and ensuring the ability of young people to thrive must be sustained and that includes preserving an environment where kids are able to play safely.

Children and youth throughout Washington State must have timely access to health care services with a strong primary care component and adequate choice and availability among providers.

Education is essential to inform the public about health and health care resources as well as services that, with an emphasis on cultural humility, influence child and youth health and wellness outside of the medical setting.

All children and youth in Washington should also have access to services outside of the medical setting that promote their ability to thrive including early education, child development, housing, and social and emotional support, healthy and safe environments in which to play and exercise and supportive and fair employment as young people join the workforce.

Public health must be preserved and maintained. It serves as a means to create and sustain a healthy environment for all through available preventive and interventional measures.

Children and youth with disabilities, special needs, and chronic health conditions must have their health and rehabilitative needs met through timely and coordinated access to specialized health care services in a variety of settings that strive toward a future of independent living.